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ChromiumLoader Module

The ChromiumLoader module scrapes HTML pages from URLs using a (headless) instance of the Chromium web driver with proxy protection.



ChromiumLoader is designed to scrape HTML pages from a list of URLs using a specified web driver backend, such as Playwright.


  • backend (str): The web driver backend library; defaults to 'playwright'.
  • browser_config (dict): A dictionary containing additional browser kwargs.
  • headless (bool): Whether to run the browser in headless mode.
  • proxy (Optional[Proxy]): A dictionary containing proxy settings; None disables protection.
  • urls (List[str]): A list of URLs to scrape content from.


  • __init__(self, urls: List[str], *, backend: str = "playwright", headless: bool = True, proxy: Optional[Proxy] = None, **kwargs: Any)

    • Initializes the loader with a list of URL paths.
    • Args:
      • backend (str): The web driver backend library; defaults to 'playwright'.
      • headless (bool): Whether to run the browser in headless mode.
      • proxy (Optional[Proxy]): A dictionary containing proxy information; None disables protection.
      • urls (List[str]): A list of URLs to scrape content from.
      • kwargs (Any): A dictionary containing additional browser kwargs.
    • Raises: ImportError - If the required backend package is not installed.
  • ascrape_playwright(self, url: str) -> str

    • Asynchronously scrape the content of a given URL using Playwright's async API.
    • Args:
      • url (str): The URL to scrape.
    • Returns: str - The scraped HTML content or an error message if an exception occurs.
  • lazy_load(self) -> Iterator[Document]

    • Lazily load text content from the provided URLs.
    • Yields: Document - The scraped content encapsulated within a Document object.
  • alazy_load(self) -> AsyncIterator[Document]

    • Asynchronously load text content from the provided URLs.
    • Yields: Document - A Document object containing the scraped content, along with its source URL as metadata.

Example Usage

Here is an example of how to use the ChromiumLoader class:

import asyncio
from chromium_loader import ChromiumLoader

# Define the list of URLs to scrape
urls = ["", ""]

# Initialize ChromiumLoader
loader = ChromiumLoader(urls, backend="playwright", headless=True, proxy=None)

# Lazy load documents (synchronous)
for document in loader.lazy_load():

# Asynchronously load documents
async def load_documents():
async for document in loader.alazy_load():

# Run the asynchronous loader