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💫 Graph Builder

GraphBuilder Module

The GraphBuilder module constructs web scraping graphs based on user prompts. It uses a natural language understanding model to interpret user prompts and generate a graph configuration for scraping web content.



GraphBuilder is a dynamic tool for constructing web scraping graphs based on user prompts.


  • prompt (str): The user's natural language prompt for the scraping task.
  • llm (ChatOpenAI): An instance of the ChatOpenAI class configured with the specified llm_config.
  • nodes_description (str): A string description of all available nodes and their arguments.
  • chain (LLMChain): The extraction chain responsible for processing the prompt and creating the graph.


  • __init__(self, user_prompt: str, config: dict)

    • Initializes the GraphBuilder with a user prompt and language model configuration.
  • _create_llm(self, llm_config: dict)

    • Creates an instance of the OpenAI class with the provided language model configuration.
    • Returns: OpenAI - An instance of the OpenAI class.
    • Raises: ValueError - If 'api_key' is not provided in llm_config.
  • _generate_nodes_description(self)

    • Generates a string description of all available nodes and their arguments.
    • Returns: str - A string description of all available nodes and their arguments.
  • _create_extraction_chain(self)

    • Creates an extraction chain for processing the user prompt and generating the graph configuration.
    • Returns: LLMChain - An instance of the LLMChain class.
  • build_graph(self)

    • Executes the graph creation process based on the user prompt and returns the graph configuration.
    • Returns: dict - A JSON representation of the graph configuration.
  • convert_json_to_graphviz(json_data, format: str = 'pdf')

    • Converts a JSON graph configuration to a Graphviz object for visualization.
    • Args:
      • json_data (dict): A JSON representation of the graph configuration.
      • format (str): The output format of the Graphviz object. Defaults to 'pdf'.
    • Returns: graphviz.Digraph - A Graphviz object representing the graph configuration.


  • prompt (str): The user's natural language prompt describing the desired scraping operation.
  • url (str): The target URL from which data is to be scraped.
  • llm_config (dict): Configuration parameters for the language model, where 'api_key' is mandatory, and 'model_name', 'temperature', and 'streaming' can be optionally included.


  • ValueError: If 'api_key' is not included in llm_config.

Example Usage

Here is an example of how to use the GraphBuilder class:

from import GraphBuilder

# Define user prompt and configuration
user_prompt = "Scrape all article titles and publish dates from the homepage"
config = {
"llm": {
"api_key": "your_api_key_here",
"model_name": "gpt-3.5-turbo",
"temperature": 0.7,
"streaming": False

# Initialize GraphBuilder
graph_builder = GraphBuilder(user_prompt, config)

# Build the graph
graph_config = graph_builder.build_graph()

# Convert graph config to Graphviz for visualization
graphviz_graph = GraphBuilder.convert_json_to_graphviz(graph_config)

# Render the graph to a file
graphviz_graph.render(filename='graph', format='pdf')