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🇹🇰 Token calculator

The token calculator class is a class that implements the token for the link to scrape. Given a link it retrieves a a list of chunks given the name of the model.


Module for truncatinh in chunks the messages
from typing import List
import tiktoken
from ..helpers.models_tokens import models_tokens

def truncate_text_tokens(text: str, model: str, encoding_name: str) -> List[str]:
It creates a list of strings to create max dimension tokenizable elements

text (str): The input text to be truncated into tokenizable elements.
model (str): The name of the language model to be used.
encoding_name (str): The name of the encoding to be used (default: EMBEDDING_ENCODING).

List[str]: A list of tokenizable elements created from the input text.

encoding = tiktoken.get_encoding(encoding_name)
max_tokens = models_tokens[model] - 500
encoded_text = encoding.encode(text)

chunks = [encoded_text[i:i + max_tokens]
for i in range(0, len(encoded_text), max_tokens)]

result = [encoding.decode(chunk) for chunk in chunks]

return result


Example for calclating the tokenizer
from scrapegraphai.utils.token_calculator import truncate_text_tokens

MODEL_NAME = "gpt-3.5-turbo"

tokenized_chunks = truncate_text_tokens(INPUT_TEXT, MODEL_NAME, ENCODING_NAME)

for i, chunk in enumerate(tokenized_chunks):
print(f"Chunk {i+1}: {chunk}")