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Basic example of scraping pipeline using CSVScraperMultiGraph from CSV documents

import os
import pandas as pd
from scrapegraphai.graphs import CSVScraperMultiGraph
from scrapegraphai.utils import convert_to_csv, convert_to_json, prettify_exec_info

# ************************************************
# Read the CSV file
# ************************************************

FILE_NAME = "inputs/username.csv"
curr_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
file_path = os.path.join(curr_dir, FILE_NAME)

text = pd.read_csv(file_path)

# ************************************************
# Define the configuration for the graph
# ************************************************

graph_config = {
"llm": {
"model": "ollama/llama3",
"temperature": 0,
"format": "json", # Ollama needs the format to be specified explicitly
# "model_tokens": 2000, # set context length arbitrarily
"base_url": "http://localhost:11434",
"embeddings": {
"model": "ollama/nomic-embed-text",
"temperature": 0,
"base_url": "http://localhost:11434",
"verbose": True,

# ************************************************
# Create the CSVScraperMultiGraph instance and run it
# ************************************************

csv_scraper_graph = CSVScraperMultiGraph(
prompt="List me all the last names",
source=[str(text), str(text)],

result =

# ************************************************
# Get graph execution info
# ************************************************

graph_exec_info = csv_scraper_graph.get_execution_info()

# Save to json or csv
convert_to_csv(result, "result")
convert_to_json(result, "result")