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🐸 BaseNode Module

The BaseNode module provides an abstract base class for nodes in a graph-based workflow, designed to perform specific actions when executed.



BaseNode is an abstract base class for nodes in a graph-based workflow.


  • node_name (str): The unique identifier name for the node.
  • input (str): Boolean expression defining the input keys needed from the state.
  • output (List[str]): List of output keys to be updated in the state.
  • min_input_len (int): Minimum required number of input keys.
  • node_config (Optional[dict]): Additional configuration for the node.
  • logger (logging.Logger): The centralized root logger.


  • __init__(self, node_name: str, node_type: str, input: str, output: List[str], min_input_len: int = 1, node_config: Optional[dict] = None)

    • Initializes the BaseNode with a name, type, input specification, output specification, minimum input length, and configuration.
    • Args:
      • node_name (str): Name for identifying the node.
      • node_type (str): Type of the node; must be 'node' or 'conditional_node'.
      • input (str): Expression defining the input keys needed from the state.
      • output (List[str]): List of output keys to be updated in the state.
      • min_input_len (int, optional): Minimum required number of input keys; defaults to 1.
      • node_config (Optional[dict], optional): Additional configuration for the node; defaults to None.
    • Raises:
      • ValueError: If node_type is not one of the allowed types.
  • execute(self, state: dict) -> dict

    • Execute the node's logic based on the current state and update it accordingly.
    • Args:
      • state (dict): The current state of the graph.
    • Returns:
      • dict: The updated state after executing the node's logic.
  • update_config(self, params: dict, overwrite: bool = False)

    • Updates the node_config dictionary as well as attributes with the same key.
    • Args:
      • param (dict): The dictionary to update node_config with.
      • overwrite (bool): Flag indicating if the values of node_config should be overwritten if their value is not None.
  • get_input_keys(self, state: dict) -> List[str]

    • Determines the necessary state keys based on the input specification.
    • Args:
      • state (dict): The current state of the graph used to parse input keys.
    • Returns:
      • List[str]: A list of input keys required for node operation.
    • Raises:
      • ValueError: If an error occurs in parsing input keys.

Example Usage​

Here is an example of how to use the BaseNode class:

from base_node import BaseNode

# Define a custom node class
class MyNode(BaseNode):
def execute(self, state):
# Implementation of node logic here
return state

# Instantiate the custom node
my_node = MyNode("ExampleNode", "node", "input_spec", ["output_spec"])

# Execute the node
updated_state = my_node.execute({'key': 'value'})
