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🐷 ConditionalNode Module

The ConditionalNode module implements a node that determines the next step in the graph's execution flow based on the presence and content of a specified key in the graph's state. It extends the BaseNode class by adding condition-based logic to the execution process.



ConditionalNode is a node that determines the next step in the graph's execution flow based on the presence and content of a specified key in the graph's state.


  • key_name (str): The name of the key in the state to check for its presence.


  • __init__(self, key_name: str, node_name="ConditionalNode")

    • Initializes the node with the key to check and the next node names based on the condition.
    • Args:
      • key_name (str): The name of the key to check in the graph's state.
      • node_name (str, optional): The unique identifier name for the node. Defaults to "ConditionalNode".
  • execute(self, state: dict) -> dict

    • Checks if the specified key is present in the state and decides the next node accordingly.
    • Args:
      • state (dict): The current state of the graph.
    • Returns:
      • str: The name of the next node to execute based on the presence of the key.

Example Usage​

Here is an example of how to use the ConditionalNode class:

from conditional_node import ConditionalNode

# Define a conditional node to check for the presence of a key
conditional_node = ConditionalNode("example_key")

# Define the next nodes based on the condition
next_node_true = "NextNodeTrue"
next_node_false = "NextNodeFalse"

# Execute the conditional node
state = {"example_key": "value"}
state = conditional_node.execute(state)

# Determine the next node based on the condition
next_node_name = next_node_true if state["next_node"] == 0 else next_node_false

print(f"Next node to execute: {next_node_name}")