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⚾️ Base Graph

The BaseGraph module provides a class for managing and executing a graph composed of interconnected nodes.



BaseGraph manages the execution flow of a graph composed of interconnected nodes.


  • nodes (list): A list of node instances that will be part of the graph.
  • edges (list): A dictionary representing the directed edges of the graph where each key-value pair corresponds to the from-node and to-node relationship.
  • entry_point (str): The name of the entry point node from which the graph execution begins.
  • initial_state (dict): The initial state passed to the entry point node.
  • use_burr (bool): A flag indicating whether to use BurrBridge for execution.
  • burr_config (dict): Configuration parameters for BurrBridge.


  • __init__(self, nodes: list, edges: list, entry_point: str, use_burr: bool = False, burr_config: dict = None)

    • Initializes the graph with the given nodes, edges, and entry point.
    • Args:
      • nodes (list): An iterable of node instances that will be part of the graph.
      • edges (list): An iterable of tuples where each tuple represents a directed edge in the graph, defined by a pair of nodes (from_node, to_node).
      • entry_point (BaseNode): The node instance that represents the entry point of the graph.
      • use_burr (bool): A flag indicating whether to use BurrBridge for execution.
      • burr_config (dict): Configuration parameters for BurrBridge.
    • Raises:
      • Warning: If the entry point node is not the first node in the list.
  • _create_edges(self, edges: list) -> dict

    • Helper method to create a dictionary of edges from the given iterable of tuples.
    • Args:
      • edges (list): An iterable of tuples representing the directed edges.
    • Returns: A dictionary of edges with the from-node as keys and to-node as values.
  • _execute_standard(self, initial_state: dict) -> Tuple[dict, list]

    • Executes the graph by traversing nodes starting from the entry point using the standard method.
    • Args:
      • initial_state (dict): The initial state to pass to the entry point node.
    • Returns: A tuple containing the final state and a list of execution info.
  • execute(self, initial_state: dict) -> Tuple[dict, list]

    • Executes the graph by either using BurrBridge or the standard method.
    • Args:
      • initial_state (dict): The initial state to pass to the entry point node.
    • Returns: A tuple containing the final state and a list of execution info.

Example Usage​

Here is an example of how to use the BaseGraph class:

from base_graph import BaseGraph

# Define your nodes and edges
fetch_node = ...
parse_node = ...
rag_node = ...
generate_answer_node = ...

# Create the graph
graph = BaseGraph(
nodes=[fetch_node, parse_node, rag_node, generate_answer_node],
(fetch_node, parse_node),
(parse_node, rag_node),
(rag_node, generate_answer_node)
burr_config={"app_instance_id": "example-instance"}

# Execute the graph
initial_state = {}
final_state, exec_info = graph.execute(initial_state)
