π·οΈ ScrapeGraph Module
The ScrapeGraph
module defines a class for creating and executing a graph that scrapes a single URL and generates an answer to a given prompt.
is a scraping pipeline that scrapes a single URL and generates an answer to a given prompt. It requires a user prompt and a source URL.
- prompt (str): The user prompt to search the internet.
- source (str): The URL to scrape.
- config (dict): Configuration parameters for the graph.
- schema (Optional[str]): The schema for the graph output.
- llm_model: An instance of a language model client, configured for generating answers.
- embedder_model: An instance of an embedding model client, configured for generating embeddings.
- verbose (bool): A flag indicating whether to show print statements during execution.
- headless (bool): A flag indicating whether to run the graph in headless mode.
__init__(self, prompt: str, source: str, config: dict, schema: Optional[str] = None)
- Initializes the
with a prompt, source URL, configuration, and schema.
- Initializes the
_create_graph(self) -> BaseGraph
- Creates the graph of nodes representing the workflow for web scraping and answer generation.
- Returns: An instance of
run(self) -> str
- Executes the web scraping and answer generation process.
- Returns: The answer to the prompt.